Auditory sensitivity in babies
Auditory sensitivity in babies

Kids will love the Summer Spot It! game, the puzzles, handouts, and movement activities. You’ll find ideas to use in virtual therapy sessions and to send home as home activities that build skills and power development with a fun, summer theme.

auditory sensitivity in babies

The summer activities bundle covers handwriting, visual perceptual skills and visual motor skills, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, regulation, and more. The Summer OT Activities Packet is a collection of 14 items that guide summer programming at home, at school, and in therapy sessions.

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Right now, the Summer Sensory Activity Guide is a free bonus item to the new Summer Occupational Therapy Activities Packet. Activities are described to involve the whole family. Rather, they are sensory-based summer activities that are designed to address each sensory system through summer play. The activities are not a substitute for therapy. Use the sensory activities described in the booklet as a guide to meet the individual needs of your child. The Summer Sensory Activity Guide is the place to find everything you need for a summer of sensory input. Looking for more backyard sensory ideas for summer? Shake plastic containers or even paper bags with the items and see if your child can name the objects. Fill containers with items from the backyard.Try to recognize and name the sound and where it was located in the yard. Record backyard sounds and play back the recording.The person who is looking for the toy needs to describe where the toy is hidden by using descriptive words like “over”, “under”, and “left”. Have one child hide with the toy and make it squeak. Noisy Toy Positioning Game- Use a squeaky toy or bike horn in this noisy toy game. They can stand up again when the child who is “it” makes the same noise.

auditory sensitivity in babies

When the child sits, they are on “base” and safe from being tagged. When the person who is “it” comes near another person, they can tag a person unless the runner sits on the ground and makes a noise. Listening Tag- Play a game of tag in the backyard as children race to tag one another. The person who is looking for others can determine who is making the sounds they hear and locate each child one at a time. They child that is searching for kids can make a call and each hider responds with their own sound. During this activity, they need to discriminate between sounds.Īuditory Hide and Seek- Play a game of hide and seek with sounds. If the sound is too far away, ask them to name the origin. Ask your child to locate or name the origin of the sounds as they walk around the neighborhood. Neighborhood Listening Scavenger Hunt- Notice the sounds in the neighborhood.

auditory sensitivity in babies

Each activity can be modified to make is a challenge for auditory seeking or auditory sensitivities. Try these auditory processing ideas this summer.

Auditory sensitivity in babies